Are We There Yet?

Do you remember those holiday trips? As the song goes, over the hill and through the woods to grandmother’s house we go. Time to fire up the lead sled and go on a journey. As with any trip this question echoes in our mind. Are we there yet? Where? Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

How is it that when I take a break from the traveling I do for the ministry I manage to drive over 300 miles to rest and relax? Are we there yet? No. Sometimes the journey becomes a coast-to-coast blur. I really didn’t mind all the traveling, but as the years roll by it may be something for a younger man. Lynda and I are now the destination for the holiday travelers, they are coming to Gigi and Papi’s house. Maybe I need a road trip?

Road trips can take on a life of their own. Many times it isn’t a straight line. I am encouraged when I see someone post they are traveling from here to there and if someone needs something delivered or picked up let them know. I have been known to transport racecar parts on some of my journeys and those little side trips present opportunities to pour out the blessings we have from knowing God.

Think about who has gone out of their way to help make your journey possible. I am sure, if you are like me, the more you think about it the longer the list becomes. Last week we talked about gratitude, this week we return the favor. Consider what was done for you and do the same for someone else.

While we are not there yet, I am glad to say we are closer than where we started. I have watched many of you move closer to God during this season. I have been blessed to be a part of your progress. We have all grown closer and have learned to lean on one another. Our journey together is life changing when we invite Christ to walk along with us.

The holidays give us the time to reflect and redirect our journey. The fact is there will always be a journey to take and a place to arrive, we are not there yet. The places we arrive at on the journey are just rest stops along the road to building a life that demonstrates our gratitude and thankfulness to God for loving us.

We have stopped at many places along the road this year, we have visited and spent time with many people along the way; some in passing and some we have taken time to sit and talk with. What have we shared? What have we added? Have we overcome the focus on self to be able to pour into the lives of others? Have we left a sweet aroma in our wake?

Romans 15:13; NLT; I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

To be able to pour out a blessing to others we need to be filled ourselves. Sometimes we don’t slow down enough to fill ourselves up. God promises to fill us with joy and peace. We have to allow him to do that. That is our spiritual journey, much like the ones we travel over the road. Are we there yet?

I would encourage you to take some time during this holiday season to reflect on your journey with God. Ask yourself, am I full and overflowing with joy and peace? Let Him fill you and then allow that overflowing Spirit to bring hope to those around us.

I received this a few years back and it stuck with me. It was part of an ATS Thanksgiving message from Frank and Doreen Deiny. It gives us the opportunity to invite Christ into our lives. Nothing could express our thanks to God more than accepting His gift of salvation.

“Believing in God is one thing. But we must also take the next step…we must come to KNOW Him. We can make this holiday season a very special one by thanking the God of our forefathers for all He has done for us and for America.

And when we give thanks, acknowledge these facts:

1) God loves us. John 3:16, For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

2) We are all sinful and separated from God. Isaiah 59:2, Your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear. Romans 3:23, All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

3) Jesus Christ is God’s only solution to our sin problem. 1 Corinthians 15:3,4, Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, …he was buried, [and] he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures.

4) Our choice is whether or not we will accept Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf. Acts 10:43, Everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name. 

If we are ready to accept Jesus as our Savior, we can do so through a prayer like this:

Dear God, I am so sorry that I have not been thankful enough for what You have done for America, and what You have done for me. I want to have the same devotion for You that our country’s forefathers had. I want to accept Jesus’ sacrifice for my sins right now.

I trust in His death and resurrection as all I need to cleanse me of my sins and make me perfect in Your sight. Thank You for giving America her freedom, and thank You for giving me mine, in the form of eternal salvation. Help me to make Your love known to others. Amen.”

Are we there yet? You can start down that road by turning to God and asking him to forgive you. If you prayed this prayer, please share it with us at Christian Life Chapel. We would like the opportunity to pray for you on your new journey.

Take the time to let God pour into you this holiday. Spend some time sitting quietly before Him and let Him help you to see what He has for each of us. His promise in John 10:10 is that he came to give us life, abundant and overflowing. Don’t let the world we live in rob you of that. Arrive at God’s knee and listen as he speaks the words of life.


Pastor Don

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