Tuesday Connection 4. 28. 2020

Just not feeling it.

There were two men who worked together – Apostle Paul and Demas – mentor and mentoree (is that a word?). In Philemon verse 24, Demas was called a fellow worker along with Mark, Aristarchus and Luke. What an amazing team to be on? Demas was a vetted promising leader with an auspicious future. Paul was the one who endured and looked forward each day to the crown of righteousness (2 Timothy 4:6-8). The other was Demas, now “in love with this present world, has deserted me and gone to Thessalonica” (2 Timothy 4:10). Demas peeled off, deserted his calling, a team drop out, was never heard from again. He did not persevere. Sad.

Each one of you, in the gracious providence of God have many years ahead of you. You expect to stand firm. You expect to endure in spite of feeling really weak somedays. You wish to do more than just ‘drift’ over the finish line as I mentioned yesterday. But so, did Demas. He also thought that way until one day… [Demas did not have the words of
Yogi Berra “It ain’t over till it’s over”].

There is a long list of essential things we should do to finish well. I will not mention those things here. Instead, let’s keep first things first please when it comes to this matter of perseverance. The Apostle Paul attributed ALL of his grit and endurance, ALL of his weathering the storms, ALL the while fearing the storms that may yet come, to the grace of God. “But by the grace of God I am what I am” (1 Corinthians 15:10). Keep in mind this week as you press on, you will only fulfill your responsibility to survive by the grace of God.

This grace is more than just God’s kindness and benevolent feeling toward you. The grace of God is dynamite. The grace of God is God in action for your good. “Tis grace has brought me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home” – John Newton, Amazing Grace. I will join you today in this God-moment, to attribute any and all of our faithfulness to the grace of God. This could be something that Demas never did.

I never get tired of worship music… this Pandemic has brought me a greater appreciation for the larger Body of Christ, you, singing, “Is He Worthy?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fs7Kah6wnY8&list=RDfs7Kah6wnY8&index=1

From my favorite Tax Collector: “Good Morning Pastor Mike. Thank you for assisting me in getting out this information. This {STATEWIDE} program (application attached to this email) is great for those who have lost their jobs, were sick or just basically financially impacted due to COVID-19… The Tax Office will help residents fill out these forms. Please let me know if there is anything else, I can do. Stay Safe & Healthy” – Michelle Wyatt (Colchester)

Go to http://www.christianlifechapel.org/listen-read/ to read any CONNECTION Blogs you may have previously missed.

How are you? Reply to this email with your testimony and prayer request. Thanks.

Please send all church offerings to: CLC, PO Box 91, Colchester, CT 06415. Thank you.


Pastor Mike Brubaker, DMin


Christian Life Chapel Website
Christian Life Chapel
PO Box 91
392 South Main Street
Colchester, CT 06415

COVID FORM tax def appli.pdf

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