Happy Mother’s Day Sunday
How we miss meeting together! One great joy is to be joining with fellow believers around the world in song during this quarantine, in worship. I welcome you today to join in “The UK Blessing”
Was that not incredible? One day you and I too will be in heaven’s choir. It is time now to kneel before God’s throne in prayer:
Heavenly Father, hallowed be your name. Let this whole earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. I believe this crown virus must submit to Jesus Christ who is crowned Lord of everything. May this pandemic be a precursor to revival throughout our land. Would that I too repent of my sin, turn back, that my sins and the sins of my family be blotted out, that times of refreshing would come from the presence of the Lord on us. Lord Jesus restore all the things about which God spoke by the mouth of his holy prophets long ago.
All I am, and all I have, I offer, Lord, to you, I offer you these hands, that you might use them
in and through my daily work. I offer you these feet, that you might lead them, to someone who needs my help. I offer you these shoulders, if you should them, to help lighten another’s load. I offer you this voice, that you might use it, to speak up for those in need. All I am, and all I have, I offer, Lord, to you. Amen.
Kristyn Getty released a precious new song this weekend, KEEP LETTING THE LIGHT IN, a Christian mother’s lullaby
Today’s message GOING FORWARD Mark 1:21-45 is posted at www.christianlifechapel.org and listen to today’s prerecorded sermon at your convenience.
The church office is now OPEN going forward. Pastor Mike’s usual schedule is:
Monday through Friday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Saturday 7:00 am – 12:00 pm
A free Mother’s Day presentation by Piercing Word of Lancaster, PA on the Book of Ruth is available this weekend at
Go to http://www.christianlifechapel.org/listen-read/ to read any CONNECTION Blogs you may have previously missed. How are you? Reply to this email with your testimony and prayer request. Please send all church offerings to: CLC, PO Box 91, Colchester, CT 06415. Thank you for your investment in the Kingdom of God.
Pastor Mike Brubaker, DMin
Christian Life Chapel Website
Christian Life Chapel
PO Box 91
392 South Main Street
Colchester, CT 06415